
Friday, October 22, 2010

The $150 Bet & My First BodyRock Workout

So back in July ( or was it June?) I accepted a bet. My father, my grandfather, and I would workout to see who dropped 50 lbs first. I just found out my uncle is in on the bet too. So there are four of us working on dropping our excess weight. The bet was that the first person to that weight would collect $50 dollars from the others. So that means that when I beat them (I'm determined to do so!) I will have $150 dollars towards a new wardrobe for my slimmer self. My bet winning weight is 218.3 lbs - so I have about 40 left to go.

So a while back I found where Zuzana records her interval workouts and gives directions (and modifications) for us to try them in our home. I bought the gymboss interval timer a while ago with the intent to try her workouts, but it wasn't until today (several months later) that I finally jumped in and tried it.

Zuzana is incredibly fit. I am in the progress of becoming fit. Challenging Zuzana to any type of physical contest would result in me losing terribly (unless it was a cannon ball or bellyflop competition where having greater mass is to my advantage). So I was more than a little bit intimidated by her. However, I'd like my body to one day look similar to hers - thus, I decided, doing her workouts would be beneficial. So here I am all sweaty and gross at the end of my workout. I really, really wanted to quit, but quitting in the past has only aided me in getting to the unhealthy weight I currently sit at. So I pushed past what I thought my limit was and finished. Now I am one workout closer to a healthier body and winning that bet.

Brunette Beating Blonde Workout (that's what the video was called)
1.Flying high knees: 5-4-5-4
2.Side pike jumps: 45-28-15-26
3.Reverse crunch (modified): 13-13-13-13
4.Side step up: 32-32-10-10
I wanted to quit at this point,but quitting isn't going to help me lose my extra pounds. I was breathing pretty hard and felt like I'd lose the contents of my stomach if I went straight into the super girl push ups. So I did a 4 minute moving break. Before attempting super girl push ups on my knees. Did I mention I absolutely despise push ups?
5.Super girl push up (modified): 8-5-6-6

So this was my first ever BodyRock workout and it kicked my butt. I think I got a better workout just now then I did last Sunday walking the Nike Women's Half Marathon (maybe - the hills of San Fransisco kicked my butt too). This was just a different type of butt kicking workout. I now plan on incorporating more workouts into my routine. Onederland here I come!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Mikey!

Happy Birthday Mikey! You would have been 23 today. My forever 13 adorable little brother. I love you so much! We had s'mores to celebrate your birthday today. Then Joey, Linda, and I went out to your headstone. We made sure to clean it up. Kandra, Jeffrey, Steven and Mom were out their earlier. They cleaned off all the pine needles and made a nice bouquet of fall flowers. It was a very nice day today. Sunshine and in the 80s - not the typical October weather, but I'm not complaining.

Work went well this morning. Then I went out to Grandma Susie's and Grandpa Ed's for lunch. Grandma made some delicious crab sandwiches. Then we hung out outside around the s'more fire. After visiting Mikey's grave we headed back into town. Stopped by to see Grandpa Larry in the hospital. He had a rough day, but Grandma is helping him through it. Grandpa kept telling Grandma Carolyn that she needed to hitch up the mules so that they could head home. He really wants to be home, but he has a lot of healing to do from his fall before he'll be able to leave the hospital. We are praying that he heals quickly and that he is nice to the nurses. Despite thinking he was in a barn ready to head out into eight foot snow on the ride home, he had good color and his vitals were much better than when he crashed this afternoon. He's strong and he's fighting and we are praying and God is in control. We are all off to bed now. Night!