
Sunday, April 19, 2009

11 day diet

The race started out purely as a race for fun. A few years back they started picking local charities to support. This year it is the YMCA & YWCA Your Y fund.

It takes place the first Sunday of May every year. So May 3rd will be the race morning and who knows what the weather will have in store. Bloomsday morning is notorious for unpredictable weather - one year we started in the snow which turned to sleet which turned to rain with a strong wind and eventually went sunny. I wasn't in town for it last year, but I still completed the 12 k on my elliptical that morning and my brother was able to send me a shirt. This is a race I've done since grade school (they run an after-school program called 'Fit for Bloomsday' in the grade schools each year leading up to this race and American's Kid Run - which was Junior Bloomsday when I did it, but now is run by a different group).

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