
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Quarter of a Century

Today was a fun day! I turned 25 today. Hopped on the scale for the first time in almost a month and found out that I had only gained 2 lbs. This was fantastic news because the last time I was on the scale was when I was still on my diet (I've been off of it for about a month and one of the thing I worried about was the weight rebounding the second I stopped the diet). So it is very good to know that I can maintain my weight without doing much.

I received EA Active from my husband and I am very excited about this game/workout program. I had tried my Sister-in-Laws copy and ended up breaking a sweat and very sore the next day. I started the programs 30 day challenge today and will continue it. It is nice having a plan for what I need to do to workout because I've been slacking in that category.

I've got my next costume figured out. My friend Nora and I are doing Tautaun & Hoth Rebel costumes (where our legs are the legs of the Tauntauns and fake legs drape off the saddle. We plan on debuting them when we walk the Spokane Half Marathon in October. We have the structure planned out and Friday we will start our sewing. I am very excited!

Tomorrow should be a fun day too (have a bbq/game party planned to celebrate my birthday).

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