
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thank Ketchuplover that song ("I think I'm turning Japanese") is now stuck in my head... again.

Thanks Shell. I'm having fun with both EA Active and learning Japanese.

So I've volunteered to be the Community Leader for my city for the 5k challenge. Now I have the task of figuring out the best place for a race in late Oct/early Nov, because my mother pointed out that weather here isn't necessarily that co-operative during that time frame. I may have to contact the local gyms to see if any of them would let us utilize their indoor track... or maybe one of the schools... hmmm.

Got my workout in today and it was lunge after lunge after lunge. Unfortunately, my knee started to twinging the third to last set of lunges - so my last 2 and a half sets weren't as deep . But I made it through

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