
Monday, January 11, 2010

Kandra's Birthday

Thanks ketchuplover & Debbie!

Day #9
1. Salad X2 & Brocolli - check.
2. 8 glasses - check.
3. Leslie Sansone's Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles - 3 miles - check.
Health Points Earned Today: 6
All goals met for Day #9!

Day #10
1. Salad- check.
2. 8 glasses - check.
3. Elliptical - 63 minutes - 4 miles (half mile with my toddler brother in the front pack) - check.
Health Points Earned Today: 7
All goals met for Day #10!

Points Earned: 53
Miles Traveled: 23
Longest Streak: 8 days!

I hope everyone had a fantastic day! I know I did. It was my little sister's 4th birthday.

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