
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

You guys are awesome! Thank you!

I totally let myself down this last week. My food choices were horrible (cheesecake, chocolate chip muffins, donuts, etc.). I am giving myself a personal challenge. Kick it into gear, watch your food, and lose 5 lbs in a week (Miggy is inspiring) and I need to make up for this bad week. When I succeed I will do a happy dance - should I fail, I will force myself to write out a food journal (something I really hate doing) for a week.

My 7 miles during the show brought my mileage for the year up to 51 miles! *happy dance* This is something I feel great about! I want to be able to feel just as proud of my food choices as I am of my exercise! I've clocked at least 30 minutes everyday this year! *happy dance*

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