
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My cold is almost gone. Sorry I've missed a few days. A lot has happened in the last week. Monday's weigh-in was 264. So I'm down another 0.3 pounds. I really need to kick it into gear. So on the 9th I found my dream home. Over the last few days we've realized that it might be just barely within our budget. I'll be talking with the financial gal tomorrow. If it does end up within reach we will make an offer and will hope to close on it as soon as possible. This would be so exciting (my husband and I are currently living with my parents and younger siblings - mom calls them her second set (ages 6, 3, & almost 2)). So it would be so fantastic to be back on our own again. It would also really help me out because I would be in control of all the food that comes into the house. No more random baked goods arriving and calling my name. It would be nice to not feel confined to one room. Plus, my cat will be so excited to roam a house again. (She currently only gets to be in our room and the attached bathroom because my dad is allergic.) This house really is perfect (despite the massive amount of work we will have to put into it to update it). It is a 1923 Victorian and nothing is up-to-date. The heating is done by oil in a gigantic furnace (this thing is easily 6 feet in diameter and right in the middle of the basement) - so that would need updated. There's an old water heater just sitting there that needs hauled away. All the electric is ungrounded two-prong and some of the lights also have outdated lighting, so that would need fixed right away. Really, there is a list, but cleaning it and getting the wiring fixed would make it livable without much worries. I don't want to bore you with more details, I just get so excited thinking about it! It would have tons of room for my elliptical and any other exercise equipment I would get. It also has a very good sized yard. I'm just so excited! I hope tomorrow's finance meeting goes well!

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