
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Thank you Debbie! I am striving to reach my goal.

I guess I lucked out Heather. I just love the elliptical machine (as long as you don't ask me how I feel about it when I am pushing myself to finish that last mile). My elliptical is in the living room. That way, when there is a show I like on, I can walk the elliptical during it. When I had a gym membership years ago, it was the only machine that I would consistently use. After I got married, my husband and I looked at joining the gym. We knew that it had to be the one closest to us if we had any hope of utilizing our membership. That gym was spendy. We realized that we could save money by buying a nice elliptical machine and that at the end of the year it would be ours instead of needing to once again renew a membership. I clocked 729 miles on my elliptical in 2008 (the year I got it), between 400 and 500 last year and this year I hope to clock over 800 miles. I like the elliptical, because unlike the treadmill, I have no fear of falling off it (I've fallen off a few treadmills and it has left me worried). I even have a few T.V. series on DVD that I refuse to watch unless I'm on the elliptical. Good music or a show that sucks you in can be great things to take your mind off the walking and still get the walking in.


  1. Re-post from Teri:

    Buying sounded like the best option for you in the long run. Good thinking and saving money! It's been about 15 yrs since I used a treadmill, I used to do about 30 min on it. I used on at the gym and my friend and I would talk while we walked. It's true about focusing and working thru! I have music with a strong tempo and when my arms are heavy from punching, I focus on a spot and fell the music to work thru it. I hope you have a good weekend!

  2. Re-post from Debbie:

    We also looked at getting something for in the home. My husband does not like the elliptical and I love the elliptical. We needed to get something we both would use so we got a treadmill. Right now it is in the basement so I listen to audio books. I have not used it much lately as I can walk outside.

    Good luck on acheiving your goal of over 800 miles this year. You are getting your monets worth out of this one.

  3. Re-post from Scott:

    hellooooooooooo to you NATA'S,how things on the elliptical machine going ? man when i look at that machine i think of some kind of mid-evil device to torture people for their sins.and to think that you could kick out 69min.WOW thats awesome. do you mind me counting 10min. of exercise for myself now that i read your last couple of post. well i'll be see ya scott

  4. Re-post from Marsha:

    Hi Nata,
    Good job. Could I ask you about what those elliptical machine run? They look pretty easy to do but when I went to the gym a few years ago I never tried one. The bike really hurt my knees but could be cause I was so out of shape. We have a very nice treadmill with all the read-outs stuff on it but we keep it covered to keep our mind off how much time we are doing. lol I check my heart rate once in a while to see what it is doing. Hope you had a great weekend and good weigh-in tomorrow.

  5. We spent about 1200 on ours (in hind's sight - I probably should have done more comparison shopping, but my brain said anything cheaper than the gym membership was fine). It's a heavy duty Octane. I love it. But I've been keeping an eye out for an elliptical for my father and you can find them new from $150 on up -depending on the model and used for cheaper as well. If you are thinking about getting one, I'd recommend checking Craigslist (as people moving or just sick of using it as a clothes rack tend to sell cheap) as well as local second hand exercise equipment stores (many of which are more than willing to give you a payment plan).

  6. Re-post from Marsha:

    Thanks so much Nata, for the information. I bought our heavy duty treadmill new online a couple years ago as you seldom see a heavy duty one for sale used. That was just fabulous about your run! You are doing so well and can't wait to see how you done this week.
