
Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Goals

I completed 729 miles in 2008 on my elliptical.

My goal for 2009 was 1000 elliptical miles - I hit 500 miles in 2009 and completed my first half-marathon.

So for 2010 my mileage goal was 800 miles. I only clocked 220 miles. I also planned on completing another half-marathon in 2010. I ended up doing the Nike Women's Half-Marathon in San Francisco instead of the Spokane Half. I wanted to beat my Spokane Half-Marathon time from 2009 of 4:39:35 and I did! My NW1/2M time was 04:19:23! It was a fun time with my Mum & Sis-In-Law and our supportive men!

My goal for 2011 is to clock 729 miles like I did the first year I got my elliptical. I plan on doing another half-marathon and would like to improve my time again (if it's the San Fran one I really need to hill train this time).

I lost and kept off 11.7 pounds in 2008.

In 2009 I lost and kept of an additional 3.1 pounds bringing my total pounds gone to 14.8.

In 2010 my minimum weight loss goal was a pound a month to beat my 2008 personal best. I did it. I lost and kept off 12.7 pounds in 2010. That means 3 years in a row of ending the year lighter than I started it! Bringing my total weight loss to 27.5 pounds. Didn't achieve my big goal of a pound a week gone, but still celebrating those pounds kicked to the curb.

So my goal for 2011 is to continue my streak of ending the year lighter than I started it. I'm sitting at 248.5 and so happy to be under 250 pounds! My minimum weight loss goal is to lose 30.2 pounds, because that is the amount I need to lose still to win a bet (first person to lose 50 gets $150). And my big goal is again 52 pounds. A pound a week which would have me entering 2012 in Onederland (that would be under 200 pounds).

So anytime during 2011 feel free to ask me how I am doing towards reaching my goals and give me a kick in the pants if I need it. Thanks!