
Thursday, March 3, 2011

March Project List

So last month I wrote a list of things I wanted to accomplish. I only got a few of them complete in the month of Feb. but I did make progress. So here is the list for this month.

Moving into our new apartment. [Complete]
Create extra seating in apartment.
Finishing the baby blanket for my friend's kiddo. (3/3 - It's only a few rows away from completion now.) [Compete]
Crocheting all my little Star Wars stuffed animals. (3/3 - Wookiee done - 9 others to go)
Making the hat Melina designed. (3/3 - done and she loved it!)
Finishing my first knitting project.
Working on my Tauntaun. (3/3 - I made progress on the sculpting of the head)
Working on Hubby's Org. 13 coat.
Starting the baby blanket for my niece to be. (It's started.)
Learning how to draw people better.
Learning more Japanese.
Work on my novel.
Build Pai Sho table.
And so many other projects I am working on.

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