
Monday, March 14, 2011

Project: Baby Blanket

Project: Baby Blanket for Melissa's daughter
Status: Complete
Source: Mom's ZigZag Double Crochet Pattern
Project Type: Blanket - Crochet

Finished the baby blanket for Melissa's soon-to-arrive little girl today! I'm so excited for her coming little girl and so happy to have finished this blanket. The blanket is so soft and I have just enough yarn left over that I may try to make a little teddy bear to send with it. I don't think I'd have to alter the Wookiee pattern too much to achieve the look I'd want. This blanket has been worked on off and on for a long time and it definitely shows the changes in my stitch tightness, but a lot of love went into it and I hope her little one gets many loving years out of this blanket.

My Mikey monkey kindly helped me by modeling the blanket. :) Love and miss ya bro!

Happy Pi Day!

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