
Monday, April 4, 2011

My Novel

Last November I participated in NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month takes place each November. Those who accept the challenge begin writing on November 1st with a goal of writing 50,000 words in their novel before the clock strikes midnight on November 30th. It was a very fun month long event and I managed to clock 50,159 words by the end of November, but my novel was no where near complete. I even participated in a few of the write-ins where I met local people crazy enough to also be attempting to reach 50k. So last November was a great start to get the novel idea that I've had for years onto my computer screen. My thought was to take the first 2 weeks of December off and then get back to writing. So I took the first two weeks of December off and then my appendix decided it should no longer be in my body. Surgery, complications, and then the healing process all ended up used as excuses for not touching my novel. February was consumed with house hunting (hubby and I were pre-approved only to find out that no banks would lend to us due to the short sale we had in early 2009 - so we need to wait another year and a few months before they lend) and then apartment hunting. March was consumed with packing, moving, unpacking, and building shelving. So that takes me up to now. I am finally looking at my novel again.

I challenged my friend to a writing duel. Each week we will earn points for our new word count, edited word count, reading each others works, and critiquing each other. At the end of the month we will tally our points to determine the winner for the month. So the past few days have had me organizing my novel onto a private blog I will use just for that. 'Why do you need to organize it?' you might be asking yourself and the answer would be: My brain does not like to write chronologically. I write part of one scene and then bounce off to the next. So if my novel were a puzzle, all you would see currently would be a couple pieces connected here, a loose piece or two over there, another piece over there, and maybe a few edge pieces and I'm the only one with the ability to see the picture on the box. So the reader of my work so far may find themselves very confused. If you don't mind confusing, little plot holes, big plot gaps, and much of the story to be filled in later - you can request a link to read my in-progress novel. If the thought of gaps and randomness fills you with fear, it is best to wait for me to complete the first draft before you lay eyes on it. The buddy that I have challenged is willing to play detective with my random pieces and so I shall be writing again. I've come to find that I thrive off of competition and love a good challenge. So hopefully this will aid in keeping me focused as I progress.

Since I am writing again, I will also open up character submission as well.
For some of you, it won't come as a surprise that my main character likes to take on different personas for the various missions she completes. This is where you come in. Have you ever wanted to be a character in a novel? Now is your chance. If you fill out the following for me, I will do my best to incorporate your character into my book (either as a persona my character changes into or as a character she interacts with [such as a bounty, client, or political figure]). Once I have the scene(s) with your character written, you'll get the first sneak peak. You will also be listed in the acknowledgments of my novel.

A bit about the novel:

Genre: Science Fiction

Chamllella is a bounty hunter who travels the galaxy capturing fugitives and criminals for wealthy clients. She is a graduate of the Galactic Military Academy and has overcome many hardships in her life.

Character Sheet

Answer as much or as little as you would like about the character you want to be.




Weight and Body Type:

Hair Color and Style:

Eye Color:

Complexion and Skin Tone (all colors are possible):



What does your character look like (can be anything from human to inventive alien species)?

Mannerisms or gestures:

Strongest personality traits:

Weakest personality traits:

Needs of the character:


Favorite sayings:

Interests and hobbies:

Favorite Color:

Social Class:


Possessions this character values most:

Does your character have siblings? If so, how many?

What is your character's family life like:

Good guy, neutral, or villain?

How would your character react to stress?

How would your character react to success?

Does your character get jealous easily?

Is your character a fighter or a pacifist?

Anything else you'd really like me to know or would love for me to include?

By submitting any of the above character sheet to me, you are agreeing to allow me to use your submitted character ideas within my story in exchange for being listed in the acknowledgments should my novel be published. I have no idea if my story will ever be published [and I know that even after my draft is complete it will be in need of much polishing before sending it off to even be considered], but I'll be sure to let you know if it is.


  1. Name:Liloman Hammons (Lilo)

    Race:Human Male


    Weight and Body Type:140 pounds, 5'6" --all of it lean muscle, a surfer's build

    Hair Color and Style:Blond of medium length, around mid-ear and normally parted down the middle

    Eye Color: Sapphire blue

    Complexion and Skin Tone (all colors are possible):Full-body deep tan

    Scent:Typical for human male of his age and occupation--musky, light sweat. Not unpleasant


    What does your character look like? A stereotypical dumb surfer boi. His most prominent facial features are his high, prominent cheekbones

    Mannerisms or gestures:He attempts a facade of being a carefree young man, but isn't always successful. Formality and proper etiquette are his natural tendency

    Strongest personality traits:Deep compassion for everyone except the ruling class. Is especially sensitive towards women in general, pregnant women, young children. Not speciest/racist/etc in any way

    Weakest personality traits:Runs at the mouth when passionate about a subject, especially his distaste for the ruling class. He is lonely despite always being surrounded by others

    Needs of the character:Escape from loneliness. He is in a self-imposed emotional isolation, and he tries all the wrong ways to fill the void in his life

    Ambitions:To live life; to forget. Barring that, to torment/tarnish those in authority

    Favorite sayings:

    Interests and hobbies:Gifted musician, can play any instrument with great skill. An excellent performance dancer in many styles

    Favorite Color:Blue

    Social Class:Born of the ruling class. Left that life and works as an entertainer--dancing and performing music

    Education:Has an education typical of whatever the ruling class/leadership in this universe would provide their children. Knowledgeable of the political situation of this universe as well as any insider. Formally trained in using a personal firearm for defense

    Possessions this character values most:An instrument hand-made by the individual who instructed him in music

    Does your character have siblings? No

    What is your character's family life like:His father is a high-ranking politician, of his mother we know nothing. Lilo hates his father to the extreme; no chance for reconciliation. Lilo had a fiancée (the daughter of another high-ranking politician). Lilo got his fiancée pregnant, and his father, unable to deal with the perceived shame of that situation, manipulated events to send her far away. She died in the process, and so Lilo lost both his fiancée and his unborn child. That is when he ran away, swore off his high-class upbringing, and severed all ties to that life

    Good guy, neutral, or villain? Good guy at heart

    How would your character react to stress? He works out his stress in his performances, focusing all of his energy on the next note, the next move. If it gets to be too much for even that, he runs away

    How would your character react to success? He's afraid of success. He wants to be the best at what he does, but doesn't want to "ascend" to the point where he's recognized beyond the lower classes

    Does your character get jealous easily? Never

    Is your character a fighter or a pacifist? Not opposed to violence, won't arm himself unless it's dire

    Anything else you'd really like me to know? Lilo fills the void left by the death of his fiancée and child with virtually anything, but stays away from addictions and hard drugs. He is flirty with everyone all the time--it helps get tips from patrons. He goes through arcs in his "love" life, sometimes being celibate for months, other times taking anyone to bed with him regardless of species/gender/etc. He doesn't directly tell anyone about his past. None of his current friends knows him as anything but a hard-working performer and a big flirt. Has a great body & not afraid to show it off, often wearing only knee-length shorts during performances

  2. Name: Rena Gelion

    Race: humanoid

    Age: 27

    Weight and Body Type: lean and agile

    Hair Color and Style: long flowing straight dark blue hair with light blue highlights

    Eye Color: bright ice blue

    Complexion and Skin Tone (all colors are possible): a few freckles on the nose, otherwise clear complexion, pale skin

    Scent: sweet

    Birthmarks: one on her bum

    What does your character look like (can be anything from human to inventive alien species)? Red Cat (lol) but with the things described above.

    Mannerisms or gestures: always using her hands while talking, very animated

    Strongest personality traits: strong sense of what’s right and wrong, will defend and protect the ones she loves and would do anything for them

    Weakest personality traits: her own worst enemy and critic, constantly down on herself if she makes a mistake

    Needs of the character: to escape from the pain of her past, to try and right the wrong that was done to her family

    Ambitions: to be the person she was born to be and to find that one true love to fill the void in her heart

    Favorite sayings: Ta! (thanks), calls everyone “love” and holy space monkeys!

    Interests and hobbies: interested in going to concerts, sneaking around at night

    Favorite Color: purple

    Social Class: middle class

    Education: took the normal education classes growing up, but took additional classes in history and languages

    Possessions this character values most: a necklace that was her mother’s

    Does your character have siblings? Yes If so, how many? She had an older brother and younger sister

    What is your character's family life like: before her family was killed, she grew up in a loving home

    Good guy, neutral, or villain? Rather neutral, definitely has her own agenda but is not against helping someone else. She will always give assistance to those that need it

    How would your character react to stress? She is quite cool and collected when stressed

    How would your character react to success? She’s very modest, doesn’t take compliments well- will brush them off in a joking manner, but deep down really appreciates them

    Does your character get jealous easily? There are only a few things that would make her jealous, seeing a family happy together, but she’ll turn that into what drives her to avenge her family.

    Is your character a fighter or a pacifist? Prefers to use words, but won’t hesitate to blast someone with her rifle

    Anything else you'd really like me to know or would love for me to include? Not that I can think of Orange Cat :D

  3. Name: Pablo O’Hara (real name unknown)
    Race: Human
    Age: 27
    Weight and Body Type: 150 lbs slim build
    Hair Color and Style: short messy snow white hair
    Eye Color: bright blue
    Complexion and Skin Tone (all colors are possible): extremely pale
    Scent: nothing out of the ordinary for someone his age and profession
    Birthmarks: Bacon looking mark on his chest right above his heart
    What does your character look like (can be anything from human to inventive alien species)? Looks like a typical human male his age
    Mannerisms or gestures: he tends to be as helpful as he can to those around him, no matter how little he knows them
    Strongest personality traits: desire to please those who he thinks are good, constantly reading every person he comes across and adjusts the way he acts around them accordingly, excellent strategist
    Weakest personality traits: will over analyze a situation or person, impatient, rushes into situations
    Needs of the character: needs to feel accepted by those around him
    Ambitions: defend his loved ones and dedicate himself to making them happy
    Favorite sayings: “Why not?”
    Interests and hobbies: hobbies would be martial arts training and weapons training with his halberd
    Favorite Color: neon green
    Social Class: mid-upper class
    Education: college degree in architecture
    Possessions this character values most: a pocket watch given to him by his father
    Does your character have siblings? If so, how many? none
    What is your character's family life like: his father taught him good morals and made him the person he is today. His mother was very caring as he remembers her.
    Good guy, neutral, or villain? Neutral leaning towards the side of good
    How would your character react to stress? Hides it but gets nervous
    How would your character react to success? He will act cocky about it if he feels no one noticed it, but will deny any compliments given to him.
    Does your character get jealous easily? extremely
    Is your character a fighter or a pacifist? Pacifist but will fight to defend the innocent
    Anything else you'd really like me to know or would love for me to include? After seeing political corruption destroy his hometown he left his job as an architect and set out to start a new life as a traveling mercenary, taking only jobs that he saw to be right and just. He completely cut off all contact with his family being they are the ones who started the corruption of his hometown. To avoid connection to his family he adopted a new name. Very clumsy most of the time yet in combat surprises even himself.

  4. Thank you all! I will let you know when I start writing about your characters. :)
