
Thursday, July 7, 2011

So excited!

I just found out that I am a finalist in The League of Extraordinary Writers' 2011 Writing Contest!

Finalists Announced Here

Aside from poetry, that I've submitted and had published in the past, this is the first writing contest I have participated in. The two critiques on my work were very helpful in showing me the areas upon which I can improve. The critiques also demonstrated how different views on the same piece can be. One of the judges really enjoyed my work while the other judge would have preferred more detail in my descriptions and reasoning for events. I'm happy that the first critique I read was the low scoring one, because it meant I ended on a really high note when I opened the second one. Critiques can be really hard on the writer.

*does a happy dance*

I am so excited. One of the best things about this is that I will now get to sit down and discuss my work one-on-one with one of the published authors attending the convention. Hopefully, I'll learn some tips and tricks to both improve my writing and get me published.

*continues happy dance*

Now, I best be off to work.


  1. Aaaah!! Congratulations! That's so awesome!! Good luck in the final round! What's the grand prize if you win?

  2. First Place - Full editing services for the submission and the The Prolific Pen Award, given in recognition of the many words an author writes while in search of the perfect one.
    Second Place - An autographed novel from Guest of Honor, author Patricia Briggs.
