
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Shuttlebirds Weekly Tatting Challenge #1 - Butterfly

This post is also posted on the new Shuttlebirds Tatting Guild Blog feel free to respond in either location to see your tatting featured.  The Shuttlebirds blog features nothing but tatting - where my blog will continue to feature tatting alongside my other hobbies and interests.


Let us introduce you to the Wednesday Weekly Challenge.  Each Wednesday we will be posting a link to a free pattern and challenging you, the reader, to try it.  In addition to the pattern link, we will post a picture of how our tatting turned out when we followed the pattern. Following the challenge, we will feature reader completions of past challenges.

Challenge Issued: Follow the linked pattern in any color combinations and thread sizes you choose.  [Variations of the pattern are welcome and encouraged.]  Then snap a picture and send it to with the subject line "Weekly Challenge" to see your completed work featured as part of next week's challenge post. Be sure to include the name you wish us to list with your photo - we want to give you credit! [There is no time limit on sending in your picture - feel free to send in any weekly challenge pictures (from last week or weeks/months ago) and we will feature them as part of the next Wednesday's post.]

Weekly Challenge #1 - Butterfly: This diagram pattern comes from an Italian blog.  It is the fourth image down on this page: If you know who created this pattern please let us know!  We would love to give them credit.

Lizbeth thread size 20 in Caribbean (1220 and Purple Dark (633)

Lizbeth thread size 20 in Purple Dark (633) and Perle Iris size 8 color 5064.
I really enjoyed this pattern.  Here are two butterflies I have made from it.

Shuttlebirds' Reader Spotlight: This is where your tatting will be featured each week you contribute.
If you have a free pattern you would like to see featured as part of the Weekly Challenge - let us know by leaving a comment or by sending an email to

We look forward to seeing your creations!

- Natalie

1 comment:

  1. Pretty! Is that second one a necklace? And very cool that you're going to be posting on another blog as well :)
