
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

40 minutes on the elliptical - 3 miles. First mile was completed in 8 min 4 sec. Next half mile was done slowly (8 minutes) but included continuous alternating bicep curls with 5 pound weights for the full 8 minutes. I feel good

Plan for this last week:
Tuesday: Workout 4 of 6 week challenge and 30+ minutes on the elliptical and weigh in
Wed: 30 minutes on the elliptical
Thursday: Workout 5 of 6 week challenge
Friday: Workout 6 of 6 week challenge
Sat: 30 minutes on elliptical
Sun: 1 hour flagging
Monday: Workout 7 of 6 week challenge
Tuesday: Workout 8 of 6 week challenge and 30+ minutes on the elliptical and weigh in

Actual Last Week
Tues: Workout 4 of 6 week challenge & 60 minutes on the elliptical - 3 miles
Wed: 30 minutes on elliptical - 2 miles & 15 minutes of dancing with my youngest siblings
Thurs: Workout 5 of 6 week challenge
Fri: Workout 6 of 6 week challenge plus 15 minutes of flagging
Sat: 31 minutes step aerobics and boxing
Sun: 1.5 hours flagging & 1 hour walking around the track (1 mile)
Mon: I choose not to work out. Got extra sleep for my eye.
Tues: Workout 7 of 6 week challenge, 40 minutes on elliptical - 3 miles + 8 minutes continuous alternating bicep curls while on walking on the elliptical, forgot to weigh in this morning. I'll need to weigh in tomorrow morning.

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