
Thursday, June 3, 2010

I think the interview went well. They will be getting back to me in the next week and a half to let me know if I am continuing onto the second round of interviews. *crosses fingers* I think it would be a lot of fun working for an online high school. So I really hope that I land the job.

I am doing well. I've been watching my food better lately. Still waiting to hear back from the doctor on the thyroid.


  1. Re-post from Teri:

    I've never heard of an online high school before? How does that work?

  2. Classes are presented online twice a week via a conference cam program. It's a live session that students can chime in on. The rest of the week is set office hours where I can help students one on one with their questions. Each week they are given a project to complete for the homework. The school I've applied to started as a tech school and this would be the first year that they are offering the core classes in addition to their other programs. It's also a tuition free public school - so any state high school student's who meet the requirements can attend.
