
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Starting Weight for TLC: 267.6
Last Week's Weight: 261.9
Current Weight: 260.1 (-1.8 lbs)
Total Loss Since Start of Challenge: -7.5 lbs

So this last week was pretty eventful. I had a doc. appt. on Friday and found out that my thyroid gland is swollen.... it's at least 3 times the size that it should be. They drew blood and are sending it away for analysis. I should hopefully find out at the end of the week what is going on. It's possible it is a treatable thyroid issue and may be partially responsible for my struggles with weight. I'm looking forward to getting the results back. It will be nice to know what it is and why my thyroid is swollen.

I'm staying active - lots of Walk It Out, Wii Fit Plus, & Flagging this week.

Found out today that my parents will be able to adopt the little boy we have all fallen in love with. So that is great news.

Time to head off to work. Laters.


He's number 3 of the adopted sibs. There's a 24 year gap between me (oldest) and him (youngest).

I received more great news today. I have an interview for a full time teaching position tomorrow. I am very excited and a bit nervous.


  1. Re-post from Teri:

    I hope your week is full of good news, Nata!!

  2. Re-post from Teri:
    I hope there is a quick resolve to your thyroid situation! And it's great that you and your family have such large hearts and are opening your home to a lucky little boy!

  3. He's number 3 of the adopted sibs. There's a 24 year gap between me (oldest) and him (youngest).

    I received more great news today. I have an interview for a full time teaching position tomorrow. I am very excited and a bit nervous.

  4. Re-post from Teri:
    Best of Luck, Nata!! I'm sure you will do just fine!!

  5. Re-post from Marsha:

    Nata, that is just all wonderful new. Let us know how the job interview went and how is your week going?
