Hubby and I made an offer on a house that we absolutely love a little over a week ago. It is a beautiful house that needs work, but that's okay. We are still waiting to hear back from the bank on our offer. It is rather hard waiting and I'm trying not to drive hubby (my real estate agent) crazy while waiting. So that is the exciting/anxious piece of news in my life. Please pray for good news from the bank. :)
I'm still learning to cope with decisions made by a family member that has turned my entire families' life upside-down. I know that I will jump for joy when I am finally able to sleep straight through the night without waking up in the middle due to nightmares. I've had three solid months of nightmare filled nights and it's getting hard to function on this lack of sleep. I don't like being tired all the time.
It may just be that I notice the rain more right now, but the last three months seem to have been filled with more rain and grey days than normal. Currently, it is pouring. The parking lot has a river of rain water flowing through it and the thunder is cracking loudly as flashes occasionally light up the sky.
Overall, my heart is happy for the blessings in my life and the hope I cling to. I know that when this tough period of time has come to an end, I will emerge from the other side stronger than when I entered and I know that God is in control and He is my strength through this stormy time.
Song of the River Prince
1 week ago
/hug/ Best of luck with the house, and I hope the sun comes out soon, in every way.