*2010 GOALS*
I completed 729 miles in 2008 on my elliptical.
My goal for 2009 was 1000 elliptical miles. - I didn't use my elliptical near as much as I planned on in 2009. But between it, training for a half-marathon, Bloomsday and the half - I clocked between 400 and 500 miles. So I hit about half of my ambitious goal and instead of beating myself up over it. I'm proud of myself and what I accomplished in 2009. I walked my first half-marathon (and learned which shoes not to where). I didn't give up, even when I really, really, really wanted to (and that was with 5 miles still to go). It helped that I had awesome friends with me each step of the way and that my family came to cheer me on. So I'm proud that I did something.
So for 2010 my mileage goal will be 800 miles (elliptical, workout videos, tracks, trails, etc.). I'm not going to limit my miles to just the elliptical since I'm doing my body good as long as I am moving. I also plan on completing another half-marathon this year (looks like the Spokane Half is scheduled for 10/10/2010). I want to beat my 2009 time of 4:39:35 (a very doable goal).
I lost and kept off 11.7 pounds in 2008.
My goal for 2009 is to loss and keep off at least 24 pounds.
In 2009 I was able to lose and keep off an additional 3.1 pounds. Bringing pounds lost and kept off to 14.8 pounds. Didn't hit my goal, but for the second year in a row I lost instead of gained and that is worth celebrating (by dancing not eating junk food).
My goal for 2010 is to end it lighter than I started it. My minimum weight loss goal is to lose 12 pounds (beating 2008's personal best). But the goal I really want to hit is losing 52 pounds. That's a pound a week and if I consistently work at it (eat healthier, exercise, and make sure I get my water) I know that I can do it. So anytime during 2010 feel free to ask me how I am doing towards reaching my goals and give me a kick in the pants if I need it. Thanks!
So to help me keep track of my health goals for 2010 I am starting a health point system for myself.
Each day I can earn:
1 point for drinking at least 8 glasses of straight water.
1 point for meeting my fruit and veggie goal. (Something I really need to work on. My goal for the first week is to make sure I get at least 1 fruit or veggie in a day. That goal will vary week to week as eating fruits and veggies becomes more of a habit.
1 point for each day I exercise.
Bonus points:
1 point for every mile I do.
1 point for every pound I lose (to be tallied at year end)
So that's 1095 health points possible plus the mile and pound bonus.
So if I meet my goal of 800 miles and my goal of 52 pounds lost. The health points I want to hit is 1947. I'll be keeping track of the regular points week to week. Possible 21 points + mileage done. I'm looking to make 2010 a healthy year for me.
*finishes apple and skips off to do her workout*
Wanted: Someone willing to be my "Jillian" or "Bob" to kick me in the butt when I need it. I know it would be helpful to have someone frequently checking in on me and not afraid to tell me when I need to get my butt in gear. If you'd like to take on this role daily, weekly, or monthly let me know.
Week 1 Goals:
1. Eat 1 fruit or veggie daily.
2. Drink 8+ glasses of water.
3. Workout.
Day #1
1. Apple - check.
2. 8 glasses - check.
3. EA Active 6 Week Challenge Workout #1 - 30 min - check.
Leslie Sansone's Walk Slim Fast Start - 30 min - 2 miles - check.
Health Points Earned Today: 5
All goals met for Day #1!
Day #2
1. Banana & 2 plates of salad - check.
2. 8 glasses - check.
3. EA Active 6 Week Challenge Workout #2 - 30 min - check.
Leslie Sansone's Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles - 45 min - 3 miles - check.
Health Points Earned Today: 6
All goals met for Day #2!
Day #3
1. Salad - check.
2. 8 glasses - check.
3. Leslie Sansone's Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles - 45 min - 3 miles - check.
Points Earned: 17
Miles Traveled: 8
Longest Streak: 3 days
So far, so good!
Song of the River Prince
1 week ago
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